wccftech - Leading tech news platform aims to improve the user experience

As a tech news platform, it is crucial for wccftech to perform really well from discoverability, virality, and loyalty perspective. The aim was to help them audit their product to achieve these simple, yet complex goals.


Client — wccftech

Location—Vancouver, Canada

Sector—News & Publication

What we did—User Experience Audit, Competitive Analysis, User Behavioural Research, User Interviews, Journey Mapping, Sketching

Year— 2021



wccftech recently redesigned its website which was not performing well after the launch of new website which was impacting its business. They needed design consultancy on how to improve the user experience in parallel with their performance metrics like traffic, visits durations, user interactions, and reduce exit rates.

Our Role

We were responsible for the ‘User experience audit’ which included understanding and unpacking the behavior of the target audience, how they interact with the current experience, and how they consume information. The purpose of this research is to gain deeper insights that will inspire and inform wccftech’s product strategy in engaging the target audience across four phases of research.

The first phase intends to unpack the personality and behaviours of our users and identify their everyday needs and pain points that affects most of this audience. Using this thorough understanding of ‘who’ the audience is, the second phase will explore how the market is catering to them and understand the gaps there. The third phase will be the product study along with the user behavioural analysis across all platforms. Following with the fourth phase of typographic analysis and dissection.



Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Understand who the audience is, how they are interacting with the product and other tools.

Competitive Research
Develop a deep understanding of how the market is catering to this audience and what are the gaps.

Knowledge Center for Team
There should be a common knowledge center for teams to be align towards the goals of wccf.




Testing the current experience
I led the user testing sessions to understand what is and isn’t working for them.

After these phases, we did a deep dive of the product itself to understand what are the gaps there.

The final phase is to propose quick improvements that can help in achieving quick wins.


The Final Report


The Result

A detailed report was handed off to wccftech to guide their future product & design strategy. This also provides potential growth opportunity ideas that can help expand the business to new possibilities.

The report also serves as a guideline and onboarding document for any new or existing employees to help understand the product, business goals, and opportunities.